Our Nation Lies in Darkness…When Will We Find the Light?


I’m scared. I’m scared for myself, my loved ones, my community, and this nation in general.

This beautiful country of ours is meant to be a safe haven throughout the storm. We are supposed to be the ones that rise against negativity and oppression to offer our people, all of our people, the chance to hope and dream for the kind of life they yearn to believe in.

Unfortunately, however, the goal of freedom and equality seems to have fallen away and in its place, we have found a country being overcome by a state of perpetual darkness.

This blog post is not a statement on race, it is a statement of love and respect. Where did we go wrong in the world? Where did this upper-handed mindset step in to tell one person that they are better or more than someone else?

We are all united by a common goal for a better, more beautiful life, yet no one seems to be taking the steps to get us there. Instead, we are weighed down by the ignorance that obliterates our tv screens, computers, and social media outlets on a daily basis. There is no room for growth when we continuously take steps backward.

Until we realize that we are all one people of flesh and blood, no matter our beliefs, sexual preference, skin color, or financial status…I fear there is no hope.

Love one another. Seek kindness and respect in your day to day life. Uplift your neighbor with gratitude and a lending hand. It’s time for a change.

It’s time to stop pointing fingers and look within ourselves. Fault can be found anywhere and everywhere. Making the choice to overcome it will make all the difference.

Aloe Vera Ice Cubes…How Have I Never Thought of This?

Are you feeling the summer burn?

Down here in Florida we have officially entered the dog days of summer. It is hot…like fry an egg on the sidewalk hot. Despite this fact, however, we still find ourselves loading up the car, ordering some Publix subs, and hitting the local beach or pool.

Since we were little, people have drilled the value of sunscreen into our stubborn heads. Yet somehow, we forget to put it on, forget to reapply, or forget that baby oil is still not a valid alternative. We end up burnt.

For days following these burns we barely survive while doing the following things:

Taking ice cold showers

Walking around saying “Ouch” at every step

Peeling and itching like a mad man

Claiming that we’ll never go into the sun again (until next weekend)

And finally, slathering ourselves in aloe vera

Ahh, aloe vera. A delectable nectar bestowed upon us by the plant gods. A frequent user of the stuff since childhood, you can imagine my surprise when I realized I’d been missing out on a pretty incredible summer life hack all this time. Frozen aloe vera cubes! Continue reading “Aloe Vera Ice Cubes…How Have I Never Thought of This?”

Secret Life of a Book Sniffer

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In my opinion, there’s a whole lot of things that smell fantastic. Babies, lavender, and the entire season of fall come to mind as some top-notch selections. None of these, however, can beat my favorite scent…books.

Yes, that’s right…books. There is just something about paper and ink that intoxicates the old senses. It’s not just the books themselves, though. It’s the locations that are filled with them. Picture this for a moment – you open the door to your local Barnes & Noble and are immediately engulfed in the scent of a decadent cocktail made from freshly brewed coffee and Eau de paper. Delicious, right? Continue reading “Secret Life of a Book Sniffer”